Affordable Web Design Ltd offers a variety of choices when it comes to online stores, from basic to complex.
Store choices to suit your needs
Want an E-Commerce online store but find those Do-It-Yourself sites just too hard to handle or not all that effective? From a basic store solution to an extremely complex one, Affordable Web Design Ltd can help you decide which type of online store technology will best fit your business.

There are different levels of "online store" choices. It all depends on what you are planning to sell online, how many products, what sizes or colours or other parameters you offer, will there be shipping costs included or extra, and so many more factors.

What are your E-Commerce needs?

  • Ads for Do-It-Yourself online stores make it look so easy, but in reality it's not easy or simple for most people.
  • There is so much more to an effective e-commerce website than just uploading some pictures and text.

We offer different packages to suit your requirements and your budget. Click on any of the packages below to read more about what is offered under each one.

For all our packages, we will help you find a suitable domain name if you don't already have one, and we will host your website on our server system.

Affordable Web Design Ltd offers all levels of web designs.
Important Info

We offer a variety of types of stores, from basic which includes the most common functions of a template-based online store, to custom designs from scratch. If your requirements are more complex than what is offered through a Wordpress site, our experienced programmers can help.

  • All pricing is in Canadian Dollars and all stated rates are plus taxes where applicable. A 10% discount is applied to all monthly fees when paid on a yearly basis, in advance.
  • All pricing includes researching professional images for your website, purchasing them, sizing and optimizing them for use on your new website.
  • All images are bought from legitimate online image providers so that there are no issues with copyright or other problems that can arise if you use pictures that are displayed on Google or other search engines.
  • We will guide you through the initial set up of your store and will provide up to a one-hour instruction on how to add products images and information to your store. If you need more help, or if you need help later on, we only charge for our time, based on our then current hourly rate.
  • If you plan on using a Canada Post shipping module, we will look after the technical tie-in between your Canada Post account and your website.
Store owner responsibilities
  • It is important to note that no matter which store you choose, whether from a DIY provider or from professionals such as Affordable Web Design Ltd, it is the store owner's responsibility to take care of the following:
    • You look after the "products" part - uploading images, product descriptions, pricing, etc, so that all your products become visible to the general public.
    • You set up your online merchant account, and we will then do the necessary technical steps to tie that in to your web store.
    • If you will require shipping through Canada Post, you will set up your own account as well as pay for any fees imposed by Canada Post.
Affordable Web Design Ltd offers a basic store package with the small business budget in mind!

View Basic Package Page